The Best Time To Organize Your Finances? Now!
There may never be a perfect time to get your finances in order, but except for our friends in Florida, this time of year sure seems like it could be the best time.
There may never be a perfect time to get your finances in order, but except for our friends in Florida, this time of year sure seems like it could be the best time.
Remember at the beginning of 2023 when all of the talking heads said there was a 100% chance of a recession, inflation was here to stay and the sky was falling?
The doom and gloom of double-digit declines across both stock and bond markets in 2022 led many industry pundits to forecast a recession for 2023 that never arrived.
As the year comes to a close and you remembered you still need to buy your Christmas gifts, it is also a great time to review how much money you have spent this year.